Entah sejak kapan tepatnya saya jadi (lebih) sering ditemani secangkir white coffee dikala ngobrol sendiri.

21 Jun 2009

Fresh Air

problem comes from You
it will solved by your help
Help me to live this rough journey


Hari minggu ceria
makan pecel bersama
adik dan mama

porsinya banyak
terlalu banyak malah
kurang pas untuk porsi sarapan

rasanya juga 
kurang cocok sama lidah kita
too sweet...

tapi okelah
yang penting sarapan bersama

20 Jun 2009


I forget how many saturday i pass without you
It's bored spend time without you
I miss U.....

Close to our wedding party....
I feel excited, no nervous at all....
bad or good

I hope nothing except happiness for all of us 


tired being nothing......
tired being wasting......
tired being tired.

11 Jun 2009


bulatan berbagai ukuran dan warna
motif kain yang pernah happening di tahun 70-an
bentuk bulat selalu menarik 
deskripsi dari lucu, gemas, sederhana dan apaadanya
semua orang bisa menggambar bentuk ini dari balita yang baru belajar coret-coret sampai para designer dunia

tahun 2009 polkadot tren lagi
dari beberapa butik yang aku datangi di pusat perbelanjaan
terselip pakaian dengan motif lucu ini
sepertinya menarik kalo ikut meramaikan tren hehehe
let's see how brave i am ;)


Counting the Day

30 days to my wedding...
let's check the to-do list
1. Holy Qur'an and jewelry, things to buy this week-end to complete the gift called seserahan
2. clear wrap and golden ribbon to wrap the siraman souvenir
3. do the test food from Bu Mus Catering before decide which vendor will hire to the party
4. must but hard is reduce the weight between 2 until 3 kg's
5. complete all the payment
6. pray to God, hope everything going smooth 

Home Alone

I was enjoy my home alone 
now is sad.....
stuck on my room in front of MacBook screen
feel upset...

I was enjoy my home alone
now is bad...
stay in silent seem like not in comfort place
yup it was the most comfort place, a room, a bathroom, an entire home
the place where i used to be re-charge my body and mind
now is disappear....

I was enjoy my home alone
now is crazy....
all the thing goes wrong
can't relax my hours anymore

I was enjoy my home alone