
Entah sejak kapan tepatnya saya jadi (lebih) sering ditemani secangkir white coffee dikala ngobrol sendiri.

16 Mar 2009


Fb is in the house...........yippppiiii hubby kasih ijin untuk ikutan demam facebook, nyaranin malah.thanks ya hubb Muahhhhari ini temenku enamheheheketemu si congti alias congor sakti si Ipul tuh congornya selalu bikin kita ngakak..kak..ka...

15 Mar 2009


Edelweis..... EdelweisEvery morning you greet meSmall and whiteClean and brightYou look happy to meet meflower snow make youbloom and grow..... bloom and grow foreverEdelweis.... EdelweisBless my homeland forever&nb...

13 Mar 2009


Dear hubby,   Sorry ‘bout last night You said I’m looking for a problem intentionally   The truly reason is First, you should arrive to hotel not that late Second,  I hate waiting, And what happen last night was over my limit to wait   If that two things not happen I will be ok.   You should know this…… My jealousy I’m jealous with your activities That I don’t have anymore I still blame you for losing my job And I also blame you to put me on the situation that culminate in my Resignation   ...

10 Mar 2009

Pertengkaran Trawas

aq ga jadi pergi besok, nanti kita hadapi bareng nasib karierku kesananya. kmu tetep prioritasku. muah.kira-kira itu sepenggal kalimat yang dikirim hubby melalui pesan pendek setelah kita 'bertengkar' mengenai rencana outbound yang diadakan kantornya.Aku terharu dan air mataku mengalir deras membaca pesan itu dan membayangkan hubby begitu mencintaiku sehingga rela mengorbankan karirnya demi aku. buat apa karir bagus klo kamu ga kasih ij...